Effective Shot Placement-3D Targeting
4 hours
Class Details & Information
No matter which caliber you use, you must hit something important to stop an attacker. The only true way to immediately stop a threat is to shut down the central nervous system, either instantaneously or by rapidly shutting down the blood flow for that system. We will discuss human anatomy as it relates to shot placement and stopping power, target areas on the human body to increase your odds of successfully shutting down the central nervous system, vital areas of the body to target to stop the advance of a non-gun threat (impact/edged weapons, etc.), shot placement from various shooting positions, and shot placement when the attacker is in positions other than standing. The fact is that armed innocent people are far more likely to encounter an attacker using contact weapons than they are an attacker carrying a gun. Being able to stop a potentially deadly attack by an attacker with an edged weapon without killing him is an indispensable skill to have. Class size limited to ten students.

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Cancellation Policy
Payment is due at the time of registration. Class fees are non-refundable 72 hours prior to the start of the class. Minimum course enrollment is four (4) students. If minimum enrollment is not met, students will be notified 48 hours prior to class start.